Wednesday, October 20, 2010

Why do i never want to drink tea again...?

So, i am sure you have heard of Christine O'Donnell and what a useless waste she is and how she is insulting to women politicians and probably women in general?

IF you hadn't or if you had any doubt. Watch this (remember she's running for SENATE):

Now, I was under the impression that all the Senate did was make amendments, like the first one, to the constitution... what does she think she is running for? Miss Tea Party?

If it was a sure thing before that she would lose the election, it sure seems it now. PS. if you haven't seen any of the other debates, check them out. To me, Chris Coons seems like such a reasonable fellow, and I think we need more people like him in the Senate. Maybe that's just me...I like him!

P.S. If you go to her website: you'll see she spelled her own name wrong. Gawker caught it, so it may be gone by the time you read this, but as of right now, it's spelled O'Donnel... scary. just scary.

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