Tuesday, October 5, 2010

This post is brought to you today by Polyvore

So, most days I go to work dressed pretty much like this:


I wear trousers/khakis, flats, a buttondown shirt, and my trusty Timbuk2 messenger bag. Not too bad. It's classy, work appropriate, but it's just a little, well, boring. Am I right?

Today I woke up feeling like I needed a change; like today was different. I decided to mix things up a bit. I stepped away from the khakis and wore an outfit more like this:

Today's Outfit

Ta da! A skirt! Leggings! Mid-calf boots with heels! HEELS! Now that is what I call an outfit! I have been thinking recently that I should be dressing more like this, and less like what I usually wear. This morning, T told me that I looked "professional, but cute" which was pretty much what I was going for.

I think I am going to dressing like this more often.

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