Look familiar? Take a gander at the banner at the top of this page. Go ahead, I’ll wait… … … back? Cool right? That’s one of many reasons why she is awesome and my biffle. She got it at Forever21 but I checked and I did not see anymore in store or online. They do have some cute things to ogle so take a look: http://www.forever21.com/.
But, that got me thinking. Could there be a way to incorporate robots into my wardrobe? Of course there is! In fact, there are many ways! Today, I will demonstrate by doing some variations on a theme: robot jewelry.
When I was looking for some more jewelry I found the mother load of cute in the form of the Etsy shop Picobaby. Observe:
I died. This is bananas. I think the two best parts of the store is that all of the robots are made out of used computer parts (I can see some screws, an electrolytic capacitor, and perhaps a servo part or two) and there are a ton of different styles to choose from. Oh yeah, and it’s not too expensive. This one is $35 + shipping. Not too shabby. For more, go here: http://www.etsy.com/shop/Picobaby.
Next up we have some more major league cuteness:
How cute is that?! Almost too cute. This offering comes from Kittyrobot and she has some wicked cute stuff that I totally advise checking out. And, she doesn’t just do robots because she is aware that robots are not everyone’s thing. For more Kittyrobot goodness check her out here: http://www.etsy.com/shop/kittyrobot.
And the last of the Etsy offerings:
I am a huge fan of Dr. Who, so when I saw this I did a happy dance in my chair. T was worried. When the happy dance was over I checked out more from Casstasstrophe and I was even more elated. In her own words “Your finest source for smart intellectual jewelry for the classy nerd, geek, or dork in your life (scientists, engineers and science fiction enthusiasts too)!” How me is that?! She has some really, really great stuff, mostly black, metal silhouette kind of jewelry, but I highly recommend checking out her store: http://www.etsy.com/shop/casstasstrophe. She rocks!
And for the more brand oriented folk:
At almost $100 this one is a little too pricy for me. But, if I could afford to spend moneys on such things, I would totally get one. And probably several of the other geeky charms they have to offer. And a lot of other stuff from Nordstrom too!
So, that's my robot necklace post. Tune in for the next installment of this series (date TBD) where I talk about where to get Rocketship pieces. And perhaps other stuff! Hooray!
I win. I still can't get over finding that necklace. Too perfect =)